Contact details:
Ruusulankatu 14, 00250 Helsinki
Punakiventie 12, 01700 Vantaa
puh. +358-40-828 8055
Aatu Piispanen: tel. +358-40-828 8055
Jaakko Ruuskanen: tel. +358-40-520 1788
Timo Holmalahti: tel. +358-45-864 7216
Päivi Piispanen (accountant): tel. +358-50-360 5079
AP Law Office is an independent member of the Finnish Bar Association, and it complies with the rules of professional conduct.
AP Law Office is duly insured by the IF Vahinkovakuutusyhtiö Ltd (
AP Attorneys at Law Office Ltd's fees are based on hourly rates, added with extra expenses when applicable.
The hourly rate for counselling services is:
272,80 €/h 220 €/h + VAT 24% (VAT 52,80 €)